What is the EarthFix Club?
What is the EarthFix Club?
A community of people who believe in a more sustainable civilization and are dedicated to being part of the solution for a sustainable future. The EarthFix Club is a growing number of advocates, activists, change-makers, creatives, and anybody who understands the importance of a sustainable relationship between humans and our planet—protecting the natural environment.
Why should I join?
To share what makes you sustainable, see what others are doing around the world, and to be a part of the movement towards a cleaner, greener planet. Membership is free, and it will always be free, and we welcome ideas, suggestions, advice, and contributions to our blog, social media platforms, and community events. We encourage our members to submit ideas for the club, and provide any support that might help expand the club in the future - maybe you are a we designer that wants to build a forum to allow for conversation between club members? Maybe you’re a sustainability blogger who wants to post a guest article on our blog? Maybe you are a social media consultant who wants to help get the word out about the EarthFix Club and grow our audience (hint hint)?
What does the EarthFix Club actually do?
Here are a few things:
Blog & Media: The EarthFix Blog is a source of news articles, stories, opinions, and thoughts regarding the environment, climate change, and the progress being made around the world. The EarthFix Club is also committed to providing an outlet for various kinds of media relating to sustainable development, climate change, and other environmental movements.
Event Organization: Let’s get out there and show our true green colors! It is important to learn about green events around the country, share them with each other, and encourage more involvement. This could be anything from joining a climate change demonstration to attending orientation for a local volunteering opportunity. Someday, when our community has grown, the EarthFix Club will host events and set up a table at local events to gain awareness. Also, of course we want to hear your ideas for where we can get involved in our local communities.
Community Sharing: Members of the club share lessons, experiences, and opportunities in living a more sustainable life. The EarthFix community sharing outlets include our Blog, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and a Facebook Page for posting contributions and discussion topics.
Become a member today, submit what makes you say #IAmSustainable and share your sustainability with everybody!