
Welcome to the EarthFix blog!

While the mission of EarthFix is to make being green more admirable and praiseworthy in our modern world,  the purpose of this blog is to consolidate ideas and activities relevant to the way we approach sustainable development in our global civilization.

The issues highlighted here are intended to lead to conversations exploring the potential avenues to rebuild the infrastructure on which we depend on. In an increasingly connected world, it is essential that we acknowledge the importance - and feasibility - of living within the constraints of our planet's finite environment, in a world where the standard of living increases every day.

Technology, communication and education in an increasingly connected world, it is essential that we acknowledge the importance - and feasibility - of living within the constraints of our planet's finite resources.

EarthFix is committed to forming a social platform that relates the impacts of today's global population to the sustainable existence of future generations. As an inhabitant of our planet, we are challenged by the potential to remodel our civilization for a more sustainable future.


Daniel HowsonComment