What If: Preamble of a Manifesto
What if our planet is in fact the only one with water in the entire universe? Would we take care of it, keep it clean and healthy, and cherish it more? Would it be easier to convince ourselves that some things are more important and worth protecting? Would we consider delaying continuous and limitless global economic growth to stabilize our climate and the environmental impacts of our civilization? Would we clean up our oceans and protect sea life? Would we slow our use of groundwater aquifers and protect freshwater resources?
What if our plant is in fact the only one with forms of life in the universe? Would we be more willing to accept each other, appreciate each other, and do more to help and support each other? Would it protect natural habitats and other life forms from over-fishing, habitat destruction, and poaching? Would we have more appreciation for the beauty and majesty of the animals on our planet? Would there be fewer extinctions and more protection for the natural world?
What if our environment is worth protecting because we appreciate it and not because of threat and theory? Would there be more desire to reducing our impacts on the planet and natural world? Would economic growth be just a little less important, preceded by the value a clean and healthy planet? Would we be able to see that by using fewer resources we wouldn't destroy the economy but create a more sustainable one? Would people decide that protecting the planet and its inhabitants rather than resist because they don't like being told they need to?