There is No Hope for The Environmental Movement Until Black Lives Matter

The concept of environmental justice is a common theme in the conversation about climate change: The most vulnerable communities are the most likely to feel the worst effects of climate change. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from the Black Lives Matter movement of late, it’s that becoming actively anti-racist is perhaps more important than being actively pro-environment.

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Green Transportation After the Pandemic: Will Environmental Relief from COVID-19 be Temporary or Long-Lasting?

We are bound for the “new normal”—a post-COVID-19 pandemic world—in which the economy will look very different. As we look ahead to 2021 and beyond we must continue to promote and acknowledge the clean, green, and sustainable options that are already available to consumers, commuters, and service providers. Particularly in the transportation sector, where smog and CO2 emissions have dropped rapidly because millions of people are working and staying at home during the pandemic, there are a growing number of options for carbon-neutral travel.

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11 Reasons to Be Optimistic About the Environmental Movement in 2020

Every day there are seemingly endless headlines about climate change and environmental issues giving us good reason to feel overwhelmed by the damage being done to our planet. We tend to overlook the progress that is being made all over the world, but the environmental movement is picking up speed. Here are a just a few of the many reasons to keep our hopes up that the future of human civilization may be more sustainable than we think.

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What If: Preamble of a Manifesto

What if our planet is in fact the only one with water in the entire universe? What if our plant is in fact the only one with forms of life in the universe? What if our environment is worth protecting because we appreciate it and not because of threat and theory?

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Changing the Game: Will Superstorms Change the Way We Build?

Two major hurricanes hit the United States causing unprecedented damage in Houston, Texas and forcing millions to evacuate Florida ahead of the most powerful storm ever recorded in the Atlantic. In the wake of these storms, many people are discussing the impacts that rising global temperatures and warming ocean waters have on the climate, contributing to unpredictable weather and powerful storms like Harvey and Irma.

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The Positive Media Movement

The idea of positive journalism is a relatively new concept but a growing theme in the world of news and media. At a climate change conference like COP21 that took place in Paris in December 2015, this theme is right at home alongside the activist culture.

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The Solution

Despite the long-understood importance of our environment, only in the past few decades have we begun to see mainstream acceptance of the idea that human civilization is contributing to climate change, and could be unsustainable given the finiteness of many natural resources.

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Involving Youth at COP21

On November 30th, 2015, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will begin in Paris, France, in hopes of adopting an internationally binding agreement to reduce carbon emissions. The two-week climate summit brings together leaders and working groups from 196 countries that form the supreme decision-making body of the Convention.

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The Climate Problem

You've probably heard it before: Scientific communities all over the world have observed climate change as a growing threat to society, and despite nearly 97% consensus among climate scientists and increasing evidence—including extreme weather events, record temperatures, retreating glaciers, and rising sea levels—the general response to climate change falls well below what is necessary to prevent irreparable damage to our environment.

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A Vision of Sustainable Consumption

Take our survey to find out what people do to live a more sustainable lifestyle. In the responses so far we can already see that the desire to live sustainably leads to using less of something (electricity, cars, processed food, non-recycleable goods). This may suggest that individual consumers feel responsible for their impact on the environment.

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How to Divest from Fossil Fuels

On the road to a sustainable civilization there are certain truths that must be accepted. One of these truths is that development requires investment, and investors are typically more interested in a company’s ability to generate revenue than their commitment to sustainability. However, a movement to encourage people and companies to divest from fossil fuels—and potentially other unsustainable businesses—is gaining momentum.

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The Five Categories of Sustainability

As environmental issues continue to make their way into our daily lives, one can easily be overwhelmed by the countless ways that human activities are impacting the environment and contributing to climate change. One of the main goals of the EarthFix Club is to identify the biggest impacts that humans have on the environment and make it easier to understand what can be done to live a more sustainable lifestyle. These are the five major categories of sustainability that we focus on.

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The Road to Paris: COP21

In November, 2015, the next chapter in the history of climate change negotiations will be written as the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change takes place in Paris, France.

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A Mission to Change the World

There is a growing community of companies that are successfully changing the way the world works. One example of how this is happening is through upgrading the energy infrastructure, an approach that has given rise to an industry of rapid growth and a greener economy.

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While the mission of EarthFix is to make being green more admirable and praiseworthy in our modern world, the purpose of this blog is to consolidate ideas and activities relevant to the way we approach sustainable development in our global civilization.

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